Mac hard drive test utility
Mac hard drive test utility

mac hard drive test utility

Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.” Is one of the most common error which occur when you use Disk Utility in a bid to solve a problem and Disk Utility has shrugged its shoulders and given up. In Mac there are several errors which is difficult to cumbersome whenever they encounter and “Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. I let it do it's thing for a few hours when it was done, the disk was automatically remounted and could be browsed in Finder. In my case, my external drive (which I use for Time Machine backups) was given the name "/dev/disk4s4", and indeed the filesystem check program (fsck_hfs) command was still running. To see whether this is the case, you can run the "process status" command in a Console shell: Macbook-Pro: ~ luthien$ sudo ps ax | grep hfsĦ05 ? R 4:08.59 /System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Contents/Resources/./fsck_hfs -y /dev/disk4s4 If the external drive's activity indicator is blinking, but you are otherwise unable to access the drive, then some background process is working on your disk. Your Mac will not be able to mount the disk until after the automatic checks are complete. If you receive this message from Disk Utility after replugging an external drive that wasn't successfully ejected (or unmounted), it could be that the OS is already busy performing the repair in the background.

Mac hard drive test utility